
Scrubber Odor Reduction System

Specially designed to reduce the unpleasant odors and ammonia gas released during the composting process

Scrubber has been developed to reduce odor during the fermentation process.

Features of the product

Principle of Operation

The scrubber is attached to the rear of the fermentation machine and moves together with the equipment. It functions by creating a pool next to the pit and blowing the collected ammonia gas into the water to reduce the odor.


All frames are plated, and other components such as covers, dampers, tubes, and exhaust fans are made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel.


All components of the Scrubber can be easily detached, cleaned, or replaced as necessary.

Possible Benefits

The water in the pool contains a high concentration of nitrogen. By implementing appropriate treatment methods and regularly replacing the water, it can be effectively utilized as a fertilizer.


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